FUTURE WORK – Excel Through Artificial Intelligence Impact, Disruption & Change, and Today’s Sea of Sameness

FUTURE WORK – Excel Through Artificial Intelligence Impact, Disruption & Change, and Today’s Sea of Sameness

FUTURE WORK – Excel Through Artificial Intelligence Impact, Disruption & Change, and Today’s Sea of Sameness RAVE REVIEWS FROM RECENT CLIENTS (As recent as 12/13/23): Thank you so much Mike for your engaging and informative keynote!  I heard all rave...
FORGE YOUR FUTURE – Thrive Through Artificial Intelligence Impact, Disruption & Change, and Today’s Sea of Sameness

FORGE YOUR FUTURE – Thrive Through Artificial Intelligence Impact, Disruption & Change, and Today’s Sea of Sameness

Seven powerful forces have joined together and are gunning for your job, to displace your department and to reinvent and disrupt your industry. Complacency and clinging to the status-quo are the death knell to individuals, teams and organizations. Among these forces…...
Bolster and Leverage Your Organization’s and Individual Brand

Bolster and Leverage Your Organization’s and Individual Brand

Thrive Together In The Age of Disruption When Does 1 + 1 = 5? Powerful brand recognition is paramount in the age of commoditization and the never satisfied customer. When the ‘Brand Inside’ (the people) team with the ‘Brand Outside’ (the company) to perpetually...
Leading in the Age of Disruption: Ignite Extraordinary Results

Leading in the Age of Disruption: Ignite Extraordinary Results

  Exemplary leaders possess a high degree of self-awareness. “Leaders are born…not made!”  How many of us have heard this often repeated myth? The truth however, is far different. Exemplary leadership is the result of consistent action, and focus over time on a...