Topic Papers & Focus Areas

A collection of topic papers and focus areas written by Mike. Click on the titles to download the files as PDFs.

5 Leadership Attributes that Ignite Extraordinary Results

Leaders are born…not made!” How many of us have heard this often repeated myth? The truth however, is far different. Exemplary leadership is the result of consistent action, and focus over time on a few simple principles. It is a process. It involves practices, skills, and abilities; and they are not for the chosen few. They can be learned, refined and perfected.

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Accelerate Change – Practical Tips

Simple does not equal easy. If successfully leading change were easy the 75% to 80% of all change efforts that fail, or at best produce only mediocre results, would be much lower. In years past, to grow and capture market share, the big would eat the small. In todays ‘commoditization economy’ the game has changed significantly.
Customers have more choices than ever. The battle to differentiate and stand out from the competition will only escalate. We are in a brawl with no rules, where the fast, flexible and agile will eat and spit out the slow, over-thinking and complacent. So, what are the keys to developing an agile organization that adapts to, embraces and institutes lasting key change strategies? Lessons learned over twenty five years point to five simple and effective change leadership principles.

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Accountability and Must Achieve Desired Results

Most senior organizational leaders have a firm grasp, clear vision and solid understanding of the critical results that must be realized by their organization as they look out twelve to eighteen months into the future. However, data collected over the past twenty years reveals that 90% of the time those ‘must- achieve desired results’ are not crystal clear in the minds of employees.

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Bolster and Strengthen Your Brand

Powerful brand recognition is paramount in the age of commoditization and the never satisfied customer. When the ‘Brand Inside’ (the people) team with the ‘Brand Outside’ (the company) to perpetually deliver upon the ‘Brand Promise’ to create exceptional experiences, the sky is the limit. Both the organization and the individuals that comprise it, position themselves for long term sustained

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Culture – Cultivate Peak Performance

Driving a strategy that requires change in human behavior may be the most difficult challenge a leader can face. What do top leaders do to gain voluntary contributions of discretionary performance from those they lead? How do they create alignment, ownership and accountability for desired results at every level of an organization? How do they ensure that key strategies are not slowly suffocated, but instead produce extraordinary results? In this “new world of work” speed, ideas, talent, distinction and leadership separate top performing companies from the laggards.

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Disruption – The New World of Work

We are in a brawl with few rules, where the fast, adaptive, and agile will expunge the slow, over-thinking, and complacent. In the past, change was episodic, transient, and gradual; now, change is constant as business, technology, and society itself continue to evolve at an unprecedented pace that will only accelerate. Talent, ideas, speed, distinction and leadership are keys to winning in the New World of Work.

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Key Indicator Words for Mike’s Focus Areas

Accountability, Agility, Alignment, Attitude, Brand You, Branding, Change, Coaching, Collaboration, Commitment, Communication, Culture, Decision Making, Differentiation, Disruption – New World of Work

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Practical Tips to Shaping Your Optimal Culture

In years past, to grow and capture market share, the big ate the small. In todays ‘commoditization economy,’ where customers and clients have more choices than ever before, the game has changed significantly. We are in a brawl with few rules, where the fast, flexible, resilient and agile will eat and then spit out the slow, over-thinking and complacent. Cultivating a peak performing culture where employees at all levels are unconditionally engaged, impeccably aligned, relentlessly committed, laser focused, abundantly creative, generously collaborative and possess implacable ownership and accountability to achieve what matters most is paramount.

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Thrive and Excel in the New World of Work

We are in a brawl with few rules, where the fast, flexible, and agile will eat and spit out the slow, over-thinking, and complacent. In the past, change was episodic, transient, and gradual; now, change is constant as business, technology, and society itself continue to evolve at an ever more rapid pace. Individuals, teams, and organizations that fail to adapt will find themselves vulnerable, uncomfortable, and at the mercy of other people, events, or the competition.

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Virtual Remote Webinar Capabilities Overview

Mike Evans has facilitated hundreds of remote/virtual/webinar keynotes and workshops over the past 23 years. These custom events have been delivered to audiences ranging from 10 to 3,000 participants. Mike and his clients have utilized a variety of technological options for delivery.

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When to Change or Pivot

“Will you discuss with our team when to make a change or pivot? Can you help us determine if we should move on from a current strategy?”

To be certain that I understood Maureen’s question, I asked, “You want to know if during the keynote if I can discuss with the team when to make a change or pivot?” Maureen quickly replied with an emphatic “yes.” My immediate inclination was to respond in turn with a confident, “yes.” However, my mind was quickly flooded
with questions and a need to learn a lot more to make certain my interpretation of the question was accurate. What initially seemed to be an undemanding question, was swiftly becoming more complex.

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Mike Evans award-winning speaker at Intel



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